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Joined 1st January 2008


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Someone on Flickr posted the flyer (see below) for this gig - 2 people in the comments said that Wire Train opened the show, not Abecedarians. I swear I would've remembered if they'd played ... ah well, off to ask their bass player on Facebook then!
21 May 2013
“I can't edit my original post, but it's since been discovered that the date of the planned JD show at The Starwood club in Hollywood was June 9th 1980, not June 6th as I had posted in my original posting.

More info on the JD Central site.”
11 Oct 2012
“mark shaw -

Can you please change the title of this to

The Russel Club - 1980

to correctly reflect the proper spelling of the club as well as the correct year (which is 1980, not 1981 BSL - you need a better calendar program mate)”
12 May 2009
“This is hilarious! Not just for the "return the tape" bit but also because the tape itself is crap! TDK "D" cassettes were the dustbin of the line, not exactly what I would want to use if I were trying to impress someone with my songs - they must've been really skint if they couldn't afford to record onto SA's.”
17 May 2008
“Bloody 'ell! I used to know Abecedarians quite well, recorded them off the soundboard at a place called Beyond Baroque near Santa Monica (Venice Beach) on June 30th 1985 *waves tape* ... there's no way I didn't go to this gig if they opened, yet I have NO recollection of attending this whatsoever (as opposed to New Order's 1983 gigs at the Florentine Gardens in Hollywood and Billy Barty's Roller Disco Fantasy - no, I'm not taking the piss, that was the venue name - in Fullerton, Orange County, both of which I remember very, very well).”
04 Oct 2007
“Very cool poster. I saw them less than 2 weeks later (Nov. 6 1981) at their first LA show.”
04 Oct 2007
“I would give my left nutsack to own this :)

Who owns this artifact? Could they shed any light on why this was shelved (by QWEST or anyone else)? I can't understand for the life of me why this hasn't been released as a DVD (same for "Here Are The Young Men", for that matter) by now. My copy, despite being an old VHS videotape, looks like it's bloody 6th generation - absolute rubbish quality. I'd dearly love to see a 1st gen like this one ...”
04 Oct 2007
“Never saw Magazine in Manc but was lucky enough to see them over here in the States as part of "Urgh! A Music War" in 1980. By then John McGeoch had already left (alas!) but his spot was ably filled by Robin Simon (ex-Ultravox!), so it was still a wonderful gig. Note that there are some truly seminal Magazine vids available on YouTube ...”
07 Jul 2007
“I have this book (and the 2nd volume as well). I had some of the originals the "cuttings" were taken from but purged the lot back in the 80's at some point, moving was a right b*tch with a lot of "useless" (ex's words) old music papers about!”
07 Jul 2007
“I have this boot as well - should I check to see if mine's based on "Change Of Heart"? :D”
07 Jul 2007